Echipa noastră este specializată în toate activitățile care implică transport rutier, aerian, feroviar sau maritim. Problemele legale care pot apărea în urma acestor operațiuni sunt analizate cu o abordare internațională, datorită rețelei noastre de avocați care acoperă tot teritoriul.
Our team is specialized in all activities involving road, air, rail or maritime transport. The legal issues that may arise from these operations are tackled with an international approach, thanks to our network of lawyers covering all the territory.
Our international lawyers provide judicial and extrajudicial advice along with specialists in the logistics sector, coordinating the complex contracts and commercial agreements.
We provide our clients with consulting services within the entire insurance sector, guaranteeing complete support of the customer’s requirements, thanks to a large network of professionals on which we can rely internationally.
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